Friday, February 28, 2014

[Codeniger] Codeigniter pagination example

Before start making the CI pagination,
Let have a preview of result first.

That is an really simple pagination example with almost no interface design.

 and the value in url is for controll which page to be displayed.

And before starting this article ,
I would assume you got the basic knowledge about Codeniger.
That's mean I would skip the part about config the database.

If you don't know how to config the database,
please take a look of this link:
CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.4 - Connecting to your Database

* * * *

Create a database named “paging”


Create a table named “wp_posts”

CREATE TABLE wp_posts(
id int(11),
post_date timestamp,
post_title text

Insert record into table named “wp_posts” for demo

('1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Title 1'),
('2', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Title 2'),
('3', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'This is Title 3'),
('4', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'This is Title 4'),
('5', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Title 5 !'),
('6', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Title 6~'),
('7', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'And this is Title 7~'),
('8', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'This is Title 8'),
('9', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ' Title 9'),
('10', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ' Title 10'),
('11', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Title 11'),
('12', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Title 12'),
('13', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'This is Title 13'),
('14', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'This is Title 14'),
('15', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Title 15 !'),
('16', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Title 16~'),
('17', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'And this is Title 17~'),
('18', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'This is Title 18'),
('19', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ' Title 19'),
('20', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ' Title 20'),
('21', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Title 21'),
('22', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Title 22'),
('23', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'This is Title 23'),
('24', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'This is Title 24'),
('25', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Title 25 !'),
('26', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Title 26~'),
('27', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'And this is Title 27~'),
('28', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'This is Title 28'),
('29', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ' Title 29'),
('30', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ' Title 30');

And then move to the Codeniger MVC coding:
Create a controller named "welcome.php"

class Welcome extends CI_Controller
    public function __construct() {
        parent:: __construct();

    public function example1() {
        //$config['base_url'] is the base url of the pagination's link
        $config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/page/index.php?/welcome/example1';
        //get amount of returning record from mySQL.
        $config['total_rows'] = $this->Countries->record_count();
        $config['per_page'] = 5; //display how many record per page.
        //Get the begining display record number from the url.
        $page = ($this->uri->segment(3)) ? $this->uri->segment(3) : 0;       
        $data["results"] = $this->Countries->fetch_countries($config["per_page"], $page);
Create a model named "countries.php"
class Countries extends CI_Model
    public function __construct() {

    public function record_count() {
        //Get results amount from table named "wp_posts".
        return $this->db->count_all_results('wp_posts');

    public function fetch_countries($limit, $start) {
        /* Get results from table named "wp_posts",
           with specified limit and start postition,
           the values are passed from controllers. */

        $this->db->limit($limit, $start);
        $query = $this->db->get("wp_posts");
        //Load result from database for return

        if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
            foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
                $data[] = $row;
            return $data;
        return false;

and the view named example1.php
 <div id="container">
  <div id="body">
foreach($results as $data) {
    echo $data->post_date . " - " . $data->post_title . "<br>";
   <p><?php //echo $links; ?></p>
   <p><?php echo $this->pagination->create_links(); ?></p> 
  <p class="footer">Page rendered in <strong>{elapsed_time}</strong> seconds</p>
CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.1.4 - Pagination Class
Pagination with CodeIgniter

Latest code and version to download:

1 comment :

  1. Is setting up database for pagination in CodeIgniter necessary or can we do it later, like done here:
