Wednesday, May 8, 2013

[3ds Max] Assign bitmap material tutorial

1) Select "Rending -> Material Editor -> Compact Material Editor":

Terrapins Sky

2) Select a material. For me, I choose the first one :

Terrapins Sky

3) Choose "Blinn Basic Parameters"and chick the button next to Diffuse (as the figure shown above)

4) Then it will open the a new window named "Material/Map Browser", you can choose the "Bitmap" material :

Terrapins Sky

5) After chose the "Bitmap material", it will ask you to select a bitmap image file for the material:

Terrapins Sky

6) The image you chose would be appeared on the Material Editor, (for me, appeared on the material ball I selected in step one) .
And then drag the material ball and drop on the object you wanted to assign is okay.

Terrapins Sky

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