Saturday, May 4, 2013

My terrapin made white fest ?!

It's so sad that my terrapin made some white feces, I am really worry about its health. 
Is that get sick ? Am I feeded too many meat ? 
What's the matter ?!?
Maybe it's better if I post some photos here next time.

By the way, I tried to search the problem on the Internet, 
and found an article looks quite useful for me :
Tortoises also produce urine and urates. Urine is the liquid portion stored in the urinary bladder. Urine contains waste products and toxins that are filtered from the bloodstream. Reptiles also have one more type of excretion product, called urates or uric acid. This is the end product of protein digestion and is also stored in the urinary bladder as a creamy, off-white pasty semi-solid. In reptiles, uric acid is cleared from the bloodstream by the kidneys. When the tortoise urinates, it will pass the liquid urine and the semi-solid urates at the same time. A tortoise may urinate and defecate at the same time, which may leave urate deposits on the fecal material. This will make the feces appear as if it is white or off-white. I suspect that is what you are seeing.
"white fece = urine and urates "? 
It's really a news for me, I have never heard.

1) Type of food may affect color of  fece.
(For example, if you feed Cuttlefish bone to tortoises may cause white fece )
2) Ate mineral block
3) drink not enough water 

Don't feed too much meat such as port and chicken to terrapin/tortoise. (cos white fece can be the end product of  protein digestion, maybe are some excessd protein?)
It's much better if feeding them some more fishes, shrimpes, vegetables.
Balanced diet and enough water can save my terrapin.

Finally , I make a wish here, I hope the terrapin can recover and don't made white feces again, 
the color really make me worry ..

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