Thursday, October 9, 2014

[Joomla!][Resolved] 500 View not found [name, type, prefix]

For my case, error was found when developing Joomla Adminstrator components, my Error message:
Let have a close look of the message first:
View class not found [class, file]: columnistViewadd, /usr/local/public_html_home22/beauty/cms/administrator/components/com_columnist/views/add/view.html.php

Text in green is the file location showing the which file caused the error message.

And then text in blue "View class not found" simply means Joomla can't the view with given class name.  "columnistViewadd"  is the class name Joomla wants looking for in files.
So you can open the files shown in message, and then view the class name in file, check that is that same as the class name that's Joomla looking for:

For my case:
Joomla is looking for the class name "columnistViewadd", but the class name in the file is "VideoViewAdd", so that for my case, i need edit the line7 from
class VideoViewAdd extends JView
class columnistViewadd extends JView

Run the page and again, and it's works in my case.

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